Title: The Apple Will Rot
Year: 2012
Medium: Apple and cloves
Synopsis: This piece explores the theme of temptation, consequences and the numbing of our souls. Cloves are known for its numbing qualities but not for preservation.
Title: Dream and Nightmare
Year: 2012
Medium: Flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda, water, chilli powder, turmeric, star anise, cloves.
Synopsis: Arrangement of the cupcakes, reminds me of the clockwork. It deals with how, for better or for worse humans are conditioned and expected to run like clockwork.
Title: Trinity of Content
Year: 2012
Medium: flour, paprika, pepper, rice, sugar, salt, chilli powder, pepper, cinnamon, coriander and unglazed fired ceramic plates.
Synopsis: Money makes the world go round and this pieces explores the three essentials to prosperity and content. Demand, Supply and Payment.