Culture Installation, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title:  Culture Installation
Year: 2014
Synopsis:  The installation consists of three spice rugs can also be perceived as one piece. It explores the themes related to cultural diversity, multiculturalism and interculturalism.

Note: This work formed part of the Magic Carpet exhibition at the Unisa Art Gallery that garnered the Unisa Excellence award. 

Title: Trade 
Year: 2014
Medium: Video installation
Synopsis:   Trade is a collaboration with Videographer Vincent Boonzaaier examines ideas about human worth. The earliest traces of trade can be found with the buying and selling of salt. After that pepper was the most valuable commodity. The ancient word for “salt’ is where the salary finds it origins.  

Note: This work formed part of the Magic Carpet exhibition at the Unisa Art Gallery that garnered the Unisa Excellence award. 

Title: Migration 
Year: 2014
Medium: Triptych Video installation
Synopsis:   The piece which is a collaboration with Vincent Boonzaaier, interrogates how the earliest trade route was established by explorers seeking a way to the Far East. On their way they traded the chilli spice wherever they stopped to pick up fresh supplies. Exploration paved the way to colonization which in turn paved the way for migration.   

Note: This work formed part of the Magic Carpet exhibition at the Unisa Art Gallery that garnered the Unisa Excellence award. 

Title: Colonization 
Year: 2014
Medium: Triptych Video installation
Synopsis:   The theme of the work in collaboration with Vincent Boonzaaier, wants to focus the viewer’s attention on the debate in countries like South Africa with regards to the cause and effect of colonization. Chilli spice was the first commodity and currency that enabled the Age of Discovery and paved the way for Colonization. 

Note: This work formed part of the Magic Carpet exhibition at the Unisa Art Gallery that garnered the Unisa Excellence award. 

Thebiha 1, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title:  Thebiha 1
Year: 2014
Medium: Chilli Powder, Salt, course Salt, Cinnamon Sticks, Anis Seed
Synopsis:   The work is a nod to another role model, Kim Lieberman,  throws a light on trade routes, trade route cities and the sacrifice migration workers have to make to seek greener pastures.

The Salt March, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title:  The Salt March
Year: 2014
Medium: Salt, Steel frame, Sift, Black Cloth
Synopsis:  The installation pays homage to Ghandi and the brave act of defiance by undertaking the salt march in 1930 in colonial India. The March was to protest against the British Salt monopoly and break the British Salt Laws whereby a tax on salt was charged.   This work was exhibited at the Unisa Art Gallery.

Age of Discovery, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title:  Age of Discovery
Year: 2014
Medium: Glass plates, salt, chilli peppers, course pepper, cinnamon sticks, Himalayan Course Salt, Anis Seed, chilli flakes
Synopsis:   The layers of this installation signify the chain reaction caused by the hunt for spices and the consequence of colonialism which is still felt today. The first layer refers to where it started – the Age of Discovery. This work was exhibited at the Unisa Art Gallery.

Devotin 1, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title: Devotion 1
Year: 2014
Medium: Tumeric, Curry, Chilli pepper, chilli powder, cinnamon, fine pepper, salt. 
Synopsis:  The series explores themes of faith and devotion. Faith and devotion – even faith and devotion to nothing – is a force that shapes our culture and identities. It connects us on some levels and divides us on another. Politics, economy and migration are affected by it. This series of three works were exhibited at the Unisa Art Gallery.

Devotin 2, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title: Devotion 2
Year: 2014
Medium: Tumeric, Curry, Chilli pepper, chilli powder, cinnamon, fine pepper, salt. 
Synopsis:  The series explores themes of faith and devotion. Faith and devotion – even faith and devotion to nothing – is a force that shapes our culture and identities. It connects us on some levels and divides us on another. Politics, economy and migration are affected by it. This series of three works were exhibited at the Unisa Art Gallery.

Devotin 2, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title: Devotion 3
Year: 2014
Medium: Tumeric, Curry, Chilli pepper, chilli powder, cinnamon, fine pepper, salt. 
Synopsis:  The series explores themes of faith and devotion. Faith and devotion – even faith and devotion to nothing – is a force that shapes our culture and identities. It connects us on some levels and divides us on another. Politics, economy and migration are affected by it. This series of three works were exhibited at the Unisa Art Gallery.

Maps, Spice art installation by amandamargaretha

Title: Maps
Year: 2014
Medium: Salt, Pepper, Tumeric, Paprika, chilli flakes, chilli powder, zaater.
Synopsis: With migration, war, caravans of refugees, the frontiers become fluid between seeming and being. This echoes how economic power, faith and culture may affect relationships that span across the globe.