Title: Quilt of the Americas
Year: 2020
Synopsis: The installation explores the discovery, history and development of the Americas as well as the current landscape of cultures found in the USA.
Note: This work was exhibited in Tucson Mudeum of Art as part of the Arizona Biennial and garnered the Ernest Cabat Award
Title: Kaleidoscope 3
Year: 2020
Medium: Digital print
Synopsis: The artwork reflects on the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The word kaleidoscope comes from Ancient Geek word “Kalos” meaning Beautiful, “Eidos” meaning; A shape seen, and “Skopeo” meaning; To look.
Title: Dodging: (betwixt) Flying Shards
Year: 2020
Medium: Various Spices, Chamomile tea, Whole mirrors, shards of broken mirror, plastic container.
Synopsis: The installation reflects on how people and nations are dealing the pandemic, economic meltdowns, loss and grief in 2020
Title: Recovering: (within) Aceso’s path
Year: 2020
Medium: Flour, Tumeric, Parsley, Salt, Ginger, Paprika, Chilli powder, Chilli pepper, Cinnamon sticks, Curry powder, Course and Fine Pepper, Anise seeds, Pepper corns,
Synopsis: This artwork interrogates the process of recovery in terms of the pandemic, politics and economies as we look toward 2021. Aceso is the Greek goddess of process – in particular, the process of recovery.
Title: Flames
Year: 2020
Medium: Star Anise, Chilly pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Curry powder
Synopsis: This on canvas is an exploration in different processes to fix spices permanently on canvas. The idea behind the image and composition is to portray Passion and Fire.