Title: Aztec Kaleidescope
Year: 2021
Medium: Dried Pasilla, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Cumin, Dried Guajillo, salt, pepper, Turmeric, star anise, Parsley, Blue Maze, Piloncillo, Abuelito Chocolate, Chucu, Trocitos, Menudo, Tamarind, Hibiscus leaves, Cacao, Chamomile, Churritos, cardboard, glass bricks, wooden disks, mirror shards.

Synopsis: This spice sculpture (the first of many 3 D spice installations) consists of an eight-tier tower, built with round disks and glass bricks. Each tier has permanently fixed spice patterns on top and below the disks. The mirror shards placed between the patterns reflect the patterns and the colors. It also reflects on each other, creating a kaleidoscope effect. The lighting illuminates the glass bricks and the mirror shards reflect light patterns onto the ceiling. The patterns, colors, smells, illumination, and light reflecting on the ceiling makes this a truly 3D immersive experience. The inspiration for this piece comes from the Aztec, Inca cultures. The installation celebrates these ancient origins for the aesthetics of modern-d

Title: Spiceworld
Year: 2021
Medium: Dried Pasilla, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Cumin, Dried Guajillo, salt, pepper, Turmeric, star anise, Parsley, Blue Maze, Piloncillo, Abuelito Chocolate, Chucu, Trocitos, Menudo, Tamarind, Hibiscus leaves, Cacao, Chamomile, Churritos, cardboard, glass bricks, wooden disks, mirror shards.

Synopsis: This spice sculpture (the first of many 3 D spice installations) consists of an eight-tier tower, built with round disks and glass bricks. Each tier has permanently fixed spice patterns on top and below the disks. The mirror shards placed between the patterns reflect the patterns and the colors. It also reflects on each other, creating a kaleidoscope effect. The lighting illuminates the glass bricks and the mirror shards reflect light patterns onto the ceiling. At the base of the tower is ephemeral mandala installation. The patterns, colors, smells, illumination, and light reflecting on the ceiling makes this a truly 3D immersive experience. The inspiration for this piece comes from the Aztec, Inca cultures. The installation celebrates these ancient origins for the aesthetics of modern-day Latin American, art, traditions and food and fashion.

Title: Spiceworld 2.0
Year: 2021
Medium: Dried Pasilla, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Cumin, Dried Guajillo, salt, pepper, Turmeric, star anise, Parsley, Blue Maze, Piloncillo, Abuelito Chocolate, Chucu, Trocitos, Menudo, Tamarind, Hibiscus leaves, Cacao, Chamomile, Churritos, cardboard, glass bricks, wooden disks, mirror shards.

Synopsis: This spice sculpture (the first of many 3 D spice installations) consists of an eight-tier tower, built with round disks and glass bricks. Each tier has permanently fixed spice patterns on top and below the disks. The mirror shards placed between the patterns reflect the patterns and the colors. It also reflects on each other, creating a kaleidoscope effect. The lighting illuminates the glass bricks and the mirror shards reflect light patterns onto the ceiling. At the base of the tower is ephemeral installation that encourages viewer interaction and participation. Finger marks and patterns created by the viewing public reflects how culture and art evolves due through new civilizations invading old ones.
The patterns, colors, smells, illumination, and light reflecting on the ceiling makes this a truly 3D immersive experience. The inspiration for this piece comes from the Aztec, Inca cultures. The installation celebrates these ancient origins for the aesthetics of modern-day Latin American, art, traditions and food and fashion.

Title: Yellow Artifact
Year: 2021
Medium: Turmeric, Pepper, Paprika
Synopsis: inspiration for this piece comes from the Aztec, Inca cultures. The installation celebrates these ancient origins for the aesthetics of modern-day Latin American, art, traditions and food and fashion.

Title: Green Artifact
Year: 2021
Medium: Cacao, Turmeric, Parsley
Synopsis: inspiration for this piece comes from the Aztec, Inca cultures. The installation celebrates these ancient origins for the aesthetics of modern-day Latin American, art, traditions and food and fashion.

Title: Zen 1
Year: 2021
Medium: Rock, Ginger, Turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, cacao, Paprika
Synopsis: Installed as part of a collaboration with the creators of World of Wonders (Tucson), the spices were strewn like sand and then raked to give the illusion of a Zen garden. The work suggests the passage of time and experiences that takes us beyond the physical world. Standing in front of the work the viewers find themselves in a meditative world and flow of consciousness.