Title: One new humanity
Year: 2022
Medium: Dried Origanum, Rosemary, Basil, Zaater, Cayenne Papper, Turmeric, Curry, Salt, Cloves, Aniseed, Cardemom pods, Betel nut, Chille flakes, Pepper, Cinnamon and Bay leaf.
Synopsis: The work was installed at Summit Artspace Gallery and illustrates how all cultures flow from the 4 corners of the earth, each unique and beautiful, to create an intricate tapestry. Each spice in the piece can be traced back to a certain place from where it originated. Each spice has a moment in time when it was discovered and spread across the globe. Each spice has its own purpose and impact. Where man went, spice travelled alongside, whether in little bottles, stowed away in luggage, large bags on camel-backs, or containers on freight ships. These spices are metaphors for people, cultures, and it flows together to create beautiful connections. The end result is a bird’s eye view of out One New Humanity.
Title: Earth Interrupted
Year: 2022
Medium: Turmeric, Peppercorn, Salt, Cayenne pepper and mixed Dried Herbs (Parsley, Origanum, Rosemary, Basil) on canvas.
Synopsis: Created for an exhibition at The Chapel (Green), the work speaks to God’s eternal and unconditional love that sent His son, Jesus Christ to interrupt the daily lives of earth’s inhabitants. Christ came to conquer the battle for our hearts and make us see that our true citizenship is in Heaven. Each spice denotes a specific meaning to this narrative.
Pepper and salt (at the bottom of the work) were first used by humans to give taste to food. The demand for it gave rise to very first trade routes. Fast forward to 2022 and trade routes have become Multi-national companies selling commodities on a global scale – our new normal, our daily lives filled with productivity, profit, and possessions.
The Dried Herbs are all found in Italian cooking where meals around table is still important as it facilitates times where family and friends bond as one. They share experiences, give support, and show love. It’s a reminder that the LORD Almighty will prepare, a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines” (Isaiah 25:6)
Cayenne Pepper is a source of capsaicin that bring pain relief. It reminds us that Christ was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). The red flower pattern is also a reference of Christs blood was shed for every tribe and tongue (the petals of the flower) on this round earth.
Tumeric is rich with properties that clear up inflammation. The yellow spice refers to the clearing the inflammation of sin on earth. It is also used in Pre-wedding rituals that is meant to bestow blessing on the couple. It reminds us that Christ is our groom and that we were created to sit in heavenly places as His bride.
Title: Life
Year: 2022
Medium: Parsley, Turmeric, Salt
Synopsis: Part of a series (Who is he?), created for an Easter Installation at Christ Community Church (Hudson), Life speaks to the life of Christ while on earth. The green (Parsley) background symbolizes growth and vitality. Christ proclaimed words of life, healed and raised people from dead. The yellow (Turmeric) crown symbolizes glory. It is reference to John1:14 that says; “We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” The white (Salt) radiance symbolizes purity and speaks to the fact that Jesus was without sin.
Title: Crucifixion
Year: 2022
Medium: Paprika, Turmeric, whole Chili, pepper
Synopsis: Part of a series (Who is he?), created for an Easter Installation at Christ Community Church (Hudson), Crufixion explores suffering of Christ. The red (Paprika) background and whole Chili symbolizes suffering. It is a reference to Isaiah 53:7 that says “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter…” The yellow (Turmeric) mandala and cross points to Jesus: “…who being in very nature of God, did not consider quality with God something to cling to, but made Himself nothing…”
Title: Death
Year: 2022
Medium: Black pepper, Paprika, Salt, and Turmeric
Synopsis: Part of a series (Who is he?) created for an Easter Installation at Christ Community Church (Hudson), the artwork emulates the Death of Christ. The Red (Paprika) and black (Pepper) on this panel is a commentary on the suffering and death of Christ, while the white (Salt) and yellow (Turmeric) points forward to our justification, purification and the glory we share through the cross. In Isaiah 53:5 it is written “He was bruised for our iniquities.” which brought us peace, justification and healing. (Isaiah 53:5)
We are reminded that “God demonstrates His own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more, shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him, through the death of Hid Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through life!”
Scripture says when Christ who is our life, is revealed, then we too will be revealed with Christ, in glory. (Colossians 3:4) The piece also contains tiny little mustard seeds, the symbol of faith in the finished work of Christ (Romans 10:9 and Matthew 17:20)
Title: Burial
Year: 2022
Medium: Myrrh, Paprika, Turmeric, Cloves, Whole Black Pepper, Paprika, Balsamic Vinegar
Synopsis: Part of a series (Who is he?), created for an Easter Installation at Christ Community Church (Hudson), the Myrrh piece illustrates the burial of Christ in the Tomb. In the process of making this piece, the Paprika, Turmeric and Parsley (which refers to all the aspects Jesus’ life and death), are layered and encased in Myrrh. The patterns are outlined with balsamic vinegar and points to Matthew 27:48 where someone standing at the cross, ran and got a sponge which he filled with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. According to Jewish custom myrrh was traditionally used to anoint the body of a dead person. (Mark 16:1)
Title: Resurrection
Year: 2022
Medium: Turmeric, Paprika, Hibiscus petals, Salt
Synopsis: Part of a series (Who is he?) created for an Easter Installation at Christ Community Church (Hudson), the artwork references the joy of the resurrection of Christ. The yellow (Turmeric) represents the glory of Christ at the resurrection. After becoming sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) having paid the full the price, Jesus was justified, raised from the dead and restored in full glory. The white (Salt) represents, purity, and the red is remembrance that by his blood the price was paid. (Romans 4: 25 and 2 peter 1:17)